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Our Impact

We believe in equality in and out of the classroom, but we want all youth to be able to take the first step inside.​ Staying  humble in our practices and embracing humility is important to our everyday operations.

The Problems

Over 400 million tons of plastic is polluted each year. Developing countries are often used as "processing centers" and dumping zones for plastic waste. Since resources are scarce to mitigate this problem it is often buried, burned, or illegally dumped. This imposes significant environmental concerns that contributes to bad air quality, blockage of drains, water contamination, and even fish catches. 


250 million children are not enrolled in primary school around the globe. A large barrier to education is simply the access to an educational facility. Some students will even walk 3 to 10 kilometers each day to get to class. If a village does have access to an educational facility, they are often overcrowded and lack proper resources for a successful learning environment.

Pile of Garbage
Planet Made of Plastic
Planet Made of Plastic

Our Solution

We combat both of these problems by recycling plastic into innovative sustainable bricks to build classrooms in rural underserved communities. 


Each classroom takes approximately 2,000 bricks to make. One brick will divert 3.3 kg of plastic from the environment. 


By creating larger classrooms we can welcome any and all students. Teachers will no longer have to teach multiple groups of students under tin/grass roofs. 


Each classroom requires multiple steps including collecting, sorting, melting, molding, constructing, and maintaining the facility. This is great news for us as it creates more opportunities for employment! We are looking to hire our first full-time team member and need your help - donate to the Project Togo fund to help us make this happen.


Plastic is the problem. We are the solution. 

Collecting & Shredding Plastic Waste


It is estimated that we produce 400 million tons of plastic waste each year. We start by combating this problem by collecting plastic from city centers and ocean fronts. Our nonprofit partner, Style Her Empowered (SHE), has mobilized their team to begin removing the plastic waste. A local shredding facility in Notsé, Togo then sorts and shreds the plastic.


Melting the Plastic 

Using our Extruder Pro machine, we melt plastics using mainly HDPE (#2) and PP (#5) types at specific melting temperatures that will not burn the plastic and release toxic fumes into the air. These plastics create a durable and sustainable structure for the mold. 


Molding the Plastic Into Bricks

The extruded plastic fill the mold. After the mold cools enough, we remove it from the mold and start the process over again. 

_coming soon_ graphic with earth.jpg


Building the Classroom


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